Posters Commissioned by WPA

during the Great Depression and World War Two

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art classes

The Great Depression of the 1930s caused great unemployment and hardship. The leading government program to provide employment was the Works Progress Administration (WPA).

In addition to bridges, parks, roads, dams, etc., the WPA sponsored artistic works: theatrical productions, writing programs, and posters. These pages highlight a sample of the WPA posters, illustrating their wide range of subjects: WW2 anti-Japanese propaganda, literacy programs, syphilis control, tuberculosis, art classes, the federal writers project, national parks, illinois recreation, national youth administration, theatrical programs, and more WW2 propaganda.



Art Classes

Donate Your Binoculars

Federal Writers Project

Illinois Recreation

National Parks

National Youth Administration

Sara Cleo



Chicago Tuberculosis

World War Two Propaganda


Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Reading Room,a public domain resource

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