WW2 Posters - Loan Your Binoculars to the Navy

Commissioned by the WPA

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The Works Progress Administration (WPA) was a Depression and World War Two era Federal agency, employing millions on public works projects and operating theatrical and literacy projects. It also fed children and distributed food, clothing, and housing. Almost every community in the United States had a park, bridge or school constructed by the WPA. Created by order of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the WPA was funded by Congress in the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935.

As part of its overall mission, the WPA published posters for theatrical productions, WW2 propaganda, public health services, tourism, war bond drives, etc..

Pictured here are four posters encouraging citizens to loan their binoculars to the US Navy.

No Enemy Sub Will Dare Lift Its Eye

No enemy sub

# Title: No enemy sub will dare lift its eye if you lend your Zeiss or Bausch & Lomb binoculars to the Navy. Pack carefully, include your name and address : send to Naval Observatory Washington D.C.

# Date Created/Published: [D.C.] : WPA, [between 1941 and 1943]

# Medium: 1 print on board (poster) : silkscreen, color.

# Summary: Poster showing a periscope emerging from the sea, with a ship in flames and sinking in the distance.

Bullseye for Binoculars

Bullseye for Binoculars

# Title: Bullseye! for binoculars. Loan your 6 x 30 or 7 x 50 Zeiss or Bausch & Lomb binoculars to your Navy

# Date Created/Published: [D.C.] : WPA, [between 1941 and 1943]

# Medium: 1 print on board (poster) : silkscreen, color.

# Summary: Poster features bullseye image and instructions for loaning binoculars to the U.S. Navy.

ship sinking

Your binoculars could prevent this

# Title: Your binoculars could prevent this. Loan your 6 x 30 or 7 x 50 Zeiss or Bausch and Lomb binoculars to your navy : Pack carefully and send to Naval Observatory, Washington, D.C.

# Date Created/Published: N.Y. State : WPA, [between 1941 and 1943]

# Medium: 1 print on board (poster) : silkscreen, color.

# Summary: Poster asking citizens to loan their binoculars to the Navy, showing a pair of binoculars and a ship sinking.

lend your binoculars to the navy

Visibility Zero

# Title: Visibility zero unless you lend your binoculars to the navy 6 x 30 or 7 x 50 Zeiss or Bausch and Lomb : Pack carefully and send to Navy Observatory, Washington, D.C.

# Date Created/Published: N.Y. State : WPA, [between 1941 and 1943]

# Medium: 1 print on board (poster) : silkscreen, color.

# Summary: Poster asking citizens to lend their binoculars to the Navy, showing a ship hit by a torpedo.


Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Reading Room,a public domain resource

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