A close-up of the bronze portrait bust of the famed Civil War general (and distant relative) turned out to be one of the best ways to photograph the Hall of Fame for Great Americans, at Bronx Community College (formerly NYU’s Heights Campus). The 630-foot long colonnade was completed in 1900; the busts were added gradually, but none since NYU decamped in the 1970s.
As the picture shows, it’s a tricky subject to photograph. Indeed, you can’t capture the whole thing in one picture and photos of the segments (as above) don’t communicate its sense very well. Thus, after a few of these, showing the light and shadow of the colonnade, I gave up and just zoomed in on the individual bronze busts.
Great general, lousy president (or so I’ve read). He accomplished an awful lot before dying of cancer at age 63. In failing health, he wrote his memoirs in his last year, largely to provide some income for his family.
Dr. Walter Reed.
Another bronze portrait bust, possibly Josiah Gorgas.
Descriptive bronze plaque at the Hall of Fame for Great Americans.