Mugging Recovery Process

So I was mugged. Bringing me home from the Mt. Vernon police station, the cabbie advised, “Make thisĀ  experience part of your urban walking activity. Write it down.” Good idea, but I tend to dwell on negative things too much. But what I will write down is the recovery process – the cards, accounts, replacement items, my attitudes, etc. Focus on the positive actions completed and the to-do list.

Friday, Jan. 24, 2014

Got mugged, filed police report, came home in cab. Unsuccessfully tried to use Where’s My Droid app. Ordered new credit card and ATM card from my bank. Suspended wireless service on the stolen phone. Obtained temporary driver’s license from DMV. Purchased new Motorola Droid Ultra; contacts restored. Enjoyed the family support that Elaine, Anna, and Tyler provided, especially the roast chicken and mashed potato dinner.

Sat., Jan. 25

Began changing passwords, using KeepassX database. Changed 2 email services, my ISP, a cloud storage, 3 social media, 2 shopping sites, my website host, this blog, benefits site, and brokerage. Printed back-up copy of password database.

New credit & ATM cards arrived from my bank, only 21 hours after I called them. Awesome! But ran into problem with debit card PIN.

Got new library card. Mentioned incident, re: address info, to Scarsdale police. “Don’t worry. They’re not going to come looking for you.”

Ordered new medical insurance card. Printed dental insur. and prescription cards.

Updated card info on Ordered new earbuds, portable charger, wallet, and Homer’s Iliad.

Set up apps & accounts on new phone, including lost phone app.

Sun., Jan. 26

Re-set apps with changed passwords on tablet. Learned more features of new phone. Uploaded photos from Jan. 24.

Mon., Jan, 27:

Reset debit card PIN at local bank branch. Got some cash from ATM. Regained access to online bank account.

Changed CC information on: website host, eBay, Apple, Verizon, SPOT,, PayPal, Netflix

Changed online banking security information (3 items).


Get police report, after Jan. 28.

Replace other stuff: EMS rain gear/shell, 22L REI Flash backpack (?), Metro Card,

Financial loss: $400 stolen cash & Metrocard; $200 to replace phone; $140 books, earbuds, charger, wallet; $30 cab home; $200 estimate to replace rain shell & backpack

Safer Places/Activities in the Bronx:

any subway (except 5 to Dyre Ave), main buses

shopping areas/main roads: Fordham Road, Jerome Avenue, The Hub, Kingsbridge/Broadway, Westchester Avenue, Southern Boulvard, White Plains Road, Gun Hill Road, Grand Concourse, central 161st Street, Webster Avenue, Pelham Parkway

neighborhoods: Riverdale, Morris Park, Throggs Neck, Country Club, Belmont (Arthur Avenue), Woodlawn,

institutions & parks: Bronx Zoo, Botanical Garden, Joyce Kilmer Park, Hunt’s Point Market, Orchard Beach, Poe Cottage