Nikolai Sutyagin – Korean War Ace and MiG pilot

Korean War Ace Nikolai Sutyagin

Korean War Ace – by JoeB

I have researched the kill list for Nikolai Sutyagin, a Soviet ace, the highest claiming one of the 17th IAP, and I don’t agree with the corrected score. I get a much lower maximum possible score. First I quote the list in the article then respond.

A note on sources: Except where mentioned otherwise the sources are primary records of each side. Abbreviations for other sources

  • K=DPMO’s Korwald database (which is derived from US primary records, the entries are correct a very high % of the time when checking them against primary records, though there are some errors and omissions, especially in cases where no pilot was lost).
  • KD: Krasnye d’iavoli na 38-i Paralelli by German and Seidov.
  • CN= “With the Yanks in Korea Vol. 1” by Cull and Newton.