Woodlawn – Five Mausoleums

Five more impressive mausoleums from Woodlawn Cemetery, all near the Jerome Avenue entrance:

Coster Mausoleum

Coster Mausoleum

Borden mausoleum

Borden mausoleum

Built in 1904, for textile magnate Matthew Borden

Ehret mausoleum

Ehret mausoleum

When he died in 1927, George Ehret was the wealthiest man in New York, having made his fortune as the owner of the Hell Gate Brewery. Obviously a man of forethought, Ehret had his Romanesque Revival mausoleum built in 1900, with lions out front, by sculptor J. Massey Rhind.

Armour mausoleum

Armour mausoleum

Built in 1901, for the family of meatpacker Herman Armour.

Manger mausoleum

Manger mausoleum